What is professional verification program in Saudi Arabia?

mandatory examination for skilled workerWhat is professional verification test in Saudi Arabia?

The Professional Verification Program, or PVP exam, was created to ensure that workers possess the essential abilities to effectively execute them in their specialized fields.



The test includes theory as well as Practical Examinations.

We can also say it in another way as “mandatory examination for skilled worker or “professional verification test or “skill verification test in Saudi arabia.

When It’s All introduced?

Saudi human resources and social development(HRSD) launches the professional verification program on 7th March 2021 in collaboration with the ministry of Foreign Affairs and Technical and vocational training Corporation.

What is the goal of the initiative?

The goal of the initiative is to improve the quality of skilled employees in the Saudi labor market , increase their productivity , improve the quality of services they deliver , and decrease the flood of untrained people.

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How it will be conducted?
It will be in two tracks. In the first track the worker need to pass examination from his country through the recognized International testing centers.
While the second track will be about those workers inside the kingdom and will be tested by the recognized centres inside Saudi.


What are list of professions eligible for the program?

The professional verification program will target more than thousand specialized professions under 23 specialized fields as per the Saudi standard of classification of occupations.

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How to apply for professional verification exam in the Saudi Arabia?

The mandatory Examination for the skilled workers started on Monday March 8th 2021 and you can register for it through it’s official website –https://svp.qiwa.sa/

How the program is planned?

It’ll be scheduled in 5 stages.
It already started in big facilities having 3000 or more workers then later in the fifth phase it will end up in establishments with less than six workers.

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How to check iqama profession test eligibility?

1. Visit the following website-https://svp.qiwa.sa/

2. Click on eligibility of worker.

3.Enter iqama number or passport number.

check eligibility of worker for pvp exam
4.You will see details whether you need to write the exam or have you passed the exam or you have failed the exam.


pvp exam saudi results

professional verification program results