The Saudi government has finally decided to provide Corona vaccination to visit visa holders.(>Steps are given below<).

According to Ministry of Health officials, the Country is prepared to vaccinate visitors through approved vaccination centers located around the kingdom.
Getting vaccination for visit visa holders was previously restricted because it was only available to Saudi citizens and expatriates, as well as their families, through some registration procedures and booking appointments through the Sehatty applications.
However, it is now available to visa visitor visa holders as well.
This is part of a larger effort to control the spread of the covid-19 virus within the kingdom by administering two doses.
Recently Ministry of Health announced that there is no need to wear Mask or keeping social distance in public places i if they have taken 2 doses of covid-19 vaccine.
Fully vaccinated people can use Auditorium and halls like wedding halls and restaurants in full capacity.
Covid Vaccine For Visit Visa Holders: A Step-by-Step Guide:(Updated 2021)
1.Visit the following link-
2.Make it in English.Click Next.
3.Choose visitor.
4.Enter your mobile number and captcha code.
5.Enter OTP
6.You need to fill all the following details of the visitor like passport number,border number,name in Arabic,name in English,nationality,gender,date of birth etc.
Choose the region where you belongs to later choose a center nearby.Then click next.
7.You can pick the vaccination day and time afterwards.
You will receive confirmation as well as location details to the designated spot.
The visitor visa candidate must come on time and will receive covid immunization.
If you have any questions, please post them in the comments area.