Temporary registration for all health practitioners to combat covid 19

Good news for all health practitioners those who are looking to work in saudi arabia.


The saudi commission for health specialities will soon issue a temporary registration to all health care practitioners who applied for classification and registration via mumaris plus.

This initiative will help the health care sector nationwide and to support the healthcare practitioners to combat with covid 19 pandemic.temperory regisration for doctors saudi

The good part is the practitioner no need to pass the classification examination to get temporary registration.

Read more:Mumaris plus classification fees for practitioners in Saudi Arabia.

Who is eligible for temporary registration?

Those practitioners who had already applied for mumaris plus classification application and directed for writing tests till July 1,2020.



What will be validity of temporary registration?

The validity will be 6 months.

Saudi Commission for health specialities

What are the terms and conditions as per scfhs?

All the health practitioners need to pass the exam and clear the final registration procedures immediately after the expiration of their temporary registration.

This is to ensure professional standards and patient safety by saudi commission for health specialities.

More read: How to get cme hours for saudi council renewal.


How to receive the temporary registration? 

Scfhs will soon send temporary registrations by email to those practitioners who already in their classification applications pathway in mumaris plus.