As number of covid cases are increasing in saudi arabia day by day,many health care workers including doctors and nurses are affected.
This guide is adapted from saudi control disease and prevention(SCDC) for management healthcare workers who are infected with covid-19.This is the guide followed by all the healthcare facilities now.
A health care worker can return to work in following conditions:
A.Symptomatic health care workers with covid- 19
a.Passed 3 days without any covid symptoms.
3 or more days passed since resolution of symptoms.(no history of fever without use of any antipyretics or no respiratory symptoms or diarrhoea)
b.Ten days have passed since symptoms
Also at least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
If the health care worker meets these two criterias he can rejoin work even without covid-19 retesting.
Read more:Temporary registration for all health practitioners to combat covid 19
B.Asymptomatic health care workers with covid- 19
If the health care worker didn’t develop any kind of symptoms after a positive covid-19 laboratory test, need to wait 10 days (assuming there were no symptoms these days)to rejoin work.
C.After joining the work
1.Wear mask
Healthcare worker need to wear face mask inside the health facility.
2.Self monitor the symptoms
He needs to self monitor the symptoms and re evaluate with occupational health department if the respiratory symptoms recur or worsen.