Check Sponsor Name And ID Number in Saudi

As per Kafala system, every expatriate working in Saudi Arabia will be under the name of a  sponsor(Kafeel). Many of expats don’t know how to check sponsor name and ID, Once they reach Saudi Arabia.


Also, it will help in many occasions later such as naqal kafala(sponsorship transfer), to know new kafeel ID and name.


There are many ways you can check your sponsor name and ID number.

1. You can check sponsor ID via MOI abshir account.

Activating an abshir account is a very important necessity for every expatriate residing in Saudi Arabia.

    • Go to the login panel-
    • Enter username,password and image code it will open Abshir to check sponsor kafeel name and id number in saudi
    •  Click one more detail.

how to check sponsor kafeel name and id number in saudi


  • It will show sponsor name and ID,as shown below.

how to check sponsor kafeel name and id number in saudi

2. Check your entry visa stamped on your passport to see your kafeel details.

  • Inside your passport go to visa page.
  • It will show “Sejal” ID which means sponsor ID.

how to check sponsor kafeel name and id number in saudi

3. Ask your sponsor itself.

4. You can contact your HR manager about sponsor id.


5. You can check through the Ministry of Labour website to know sponsor name.

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