How to work as a visitor healthcare practitioner in Saudi Arabia


It’s possible to work as a visit health practitioner inside Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Commission for health specialities will register a visitor practitioner under certain conditions.How to work as a visitor healthcare practitioner in Saudi Arabia

1. The visiting doctor should have a consultant rank or equivalent in his/her own country.

Also he or she should be specialised in a demanded speciality by the Saudi government according to beneficiary entity.

2. The doctor should have a valid practice licence in his/her country.


3. The registration for visitor practitioner will be issued only once by Commission.

4. The validity of the visitor registration will be less than 3 months.

He/she will get a longer registration based on request of government authorities.

5. The application of registration shall be submitted by the government authority whom are wishing to recruit the visitor practitioner or by Directorate of health affairs.

More read:Saudi Council card renewal fees in mumaris plus.

6. If the authority wants to recruit a practitioner frequently then he or she needs to complete permanent professional classification and registration procedures.