Pharmacists Who Dispense Narcotics Illegally Will Be Jailed

Saudi Arabia has taken a strong position against the dispensation of drugs containing narcotic or psychotropic substances without a legitimate medical prescription.


According to the Public Prosecution, pharmacists who violate this law will face imprisonment for a period of not less than 5 years and not exceeding 15 years, as per the provisions of the Law of Combating Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances.

The law mandates that a valid medical prescription must be issued by a licensed doctor, veterinarian, or dentist in Saudi Arabia.Pharmacists laws in saudi

The government has implemented this measure as part of its ongoing efforts to combat drug abuse, eliminate sources of drug financing, and prevent the smuggling of drugs.

The Kingdom has launched a campaign to combat drug abuse, especially among the youth.

The widespread abuse of drugs is a global problem that has far-reaching consequences, and Saudi Arabia is playing its part in addressing this issue.

Drug addiction is a complex problem that affects not only the individual but also society as a whole.

The abuse of narcotics and psychotropic substances is a growing concern in Saudi Arabia and poses a significant threat to the health and well-being of its citizens.

The government has recognised this as a major concern and has taken several steps to address it.


One of the main reasons for the widespread abuse of drugs is the ease of access.

Many people obtain these drugs from pharmacists without a valid prescription, which is a serious violation of the law.

The new measures introduced by the Public Prosecution will discourage pharmacists from dispensing these drugs without proper authorisation and help prevent drug abuse.

The law emphasizes the importance of responsible prescribing practices. Doctors, veterinarians, and dentists who prescribe these drugs must ensure that they do so for legitimate medical reasons.

They must also ensure that patients are aware of the risks associated with these drugs and the potential for addiction.

By doing so, they can help prevent the abuse of these substances and promote responsible use.

The penalties for violating this law are severe, with pharmacists facing a prison sentence of not less than 5 years and not exceeding 15 years.

This sends a strong message that drug abuse will not be tolerated in Saudi Arabia and serves as a deterrent to those who may be tempted to break the law.

The government’s efforts to combat drug abuse in Saudi Arabia are commendable.


It is important to recognise that drug addiction is a complex problem that requires a multifaceted approach to address it.

The government has taken several steps in the right direction, including increasing awareness about the risks associated with drug abuse, providing treatment and rehabilitation facilities, and introducing new laws and regulations.