How To Check Iqama Issued or not By The Sponsor

This post will give you information about how to check iqama issued or not by the kafeel, how to check iqama status using border number,check iqama issued or not using passport number. Also explains what is the status of the iqama holder inside the kingdom, what is the color of his establishment etc.


How to check iqama status with border number:-

Soon after landing in Saudi Arabia, a border number will be issued. You can check your passport to see the border number. Usually, it will on the page near to your visa.
You can check iqama status using border number as follows.

1.Go to the ministry of labor website-

How to check whether my Iqama is issued or not 1

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2.Enter the border number in the first column.

3. Enter number code then click ok.

check iqama status using border number

How to check iqama issued or not using passport number:-

1.Enter passport number


2.Choose the nationality.

3.Fill the number code and enter ok.

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How to check the status of iqama holder inside Saudi Arabia:-

Fill anyone of the column with iqama number or border number or passport number, then click proceed as shown below.

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The following results will be displayed for iqama status:-

1.Worker number:رقم العامل

2.worker name:الاسم

3.Permits issued or not:تصاريح المنشأه ساريه

4.The color of the establishment:اخضر متوسط.


5.Worker status: on the job or not-علي رأس العمل

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