The latest news coming from Makkah that the curfew period increased by the Ministry of Health in order to prevent the covid 19 spread.There will be 24 hours curfew starting from today.Leaving and entering the stated 6 districts will be prohibited.
The curfew will be applicable in following districts:Ajyad, Al-Masafi, Al-Misfalah, Al-Hujun, Al-Nakasa and Housh Bakr in Makkah.
مصدر مسؤول بوزارة الداخلية : تطبيق إجراءات احترازية صحية إضافية بعدد من الأحياء السكنية بمدينة مكة المكرمة ومنع التجول فيها من ظهر اليوم .
— وزارة الداخلية (@MOISaudiArabia) March 30, 2020
The curfew period came in effect 3:00 p.m. on Monday for unspecified period.
Those people residing in this districts need to fulfill their necessary needs within this specified periods like Health Care as well as groceries(6am to 3pm).

Ministry of health advice to them to stay inside their home as self Quarantine and to connect 937 the ministry health centre contact number if they develop symptoms similar to covid-19.
Still Certain entities are excluded from the curfew can move during the specific timings.