It was a wonderful moment yesterday the Ministry of Health sent home the first batch of 300 citizens who were under Quarantine for last two weeks. This citizens arrived Kingdom 2 weeks back from a high risk country for Corona cases.
The Ministry of Health posted a video on Sunday that showing the medical team giving them gifts and Roses after 14 days of stay in a five star hotel.

Lot of citizens expressed their sincere thanks to Ministry of Health and Medical team. They appreciated the Kingdom’s step to step precautionary measures in all possible manners against the coronavirus outbreak.
#صحة_جدة تودع ضيوفها في المحاجر الصحية بعد التأكد ولله الحمد من سلامتهم#كلنا_مسؤول
— صـ حـ ة جـ دة (@Jeddahhealth) March 29, 2020
Last few weeks Kingdom is taking a very good precautionary measures against the covid-19 out break. Saudi Arabia suspended all international flights until further notice. Arrivals from the high risk countries (China,Egypt,France,Germany,Iran,Italy Japan,South Korea and Spain) directly get admitted to the hospitals irrespective of their clinical severity until they become negative in investigations as well as clinically.
Those people who are arriving from other countries should stay at home for 14 days to avoid the spread. This helped the kingdom to tackle down the spread much effective way. This helped in preventing the contact with families friends and the community.
Last week Kingdom noticed only 197 cases from the travelers from high risk countries and been isolated in Quarantine since arrival.