How to renew Saudi Council card for doctors and nurses via Mumaris plus(2022)

Step by- step instructions on how to renew your Saudi Council Card through Mumaris Plus. Steps are the same for all professions, but this post illustrates specific steps for nurses card renewal(Updated 2022).

How to renew Saudi Council card for doctors and nurses via Mumaris plus


Saudi Council card renewal for doctors,nurses and other professionals:

You can start renewal of your Saudi Council card before three month of expiry date or within a month of the expiry without any penalty.

If you delay you need to pay penalty.You need to take Re-registration pathway in Mumaris plus.scfhs card renewal

Before we start let me explain you who will be eligible to proceed through this pathway.

1.You should be in a continuous practice inside the Saudi Arabia. have acquired enough CME hours in this period.Mumaris plus will show Required CME hours and how much you acquired in past on your main dashboard.For nurses need 30 hours(15 hours per year)

More read:How to get cme hours for saudi council renewal

How to renew Saudi Council card for doctors,nurses via Mumaris plus

3.You have an active professional classification certificate.

4.You have all the documents of your work experiences in past.

Steps to renew Saudi Council card give below:

If you haven’t a mumaris plus account yet,create it for renewal.For those who already have account,skip these initial steps.

1:Create mumaris plus account:

First step is creating an account in mumaris plus.

Read:How to create a new account in Mumaris plus

How to renew Saudi Council card for doctors,nurses via Mumaris plus

Then login to your mumaris plus account.You will see update your profile.

2:Update your personal details:

Remember to enter name here exactly similar to your iqama ID or passport ID if you are outside the kingdom.

3:Go for professional Re-registration pathway :

Go for professional Re-registration pathway in my services left side of dashboard.Click on Apply now.


saudi council mumaris renewal

4:Choose following sections about CPD hours and gap in practice.

You need to get enough cme hours and there should not be any gap in practice.

5:Choose following sections previous practice history.

Choose no if everything is normal,then proceed.


6:Complete your profile now

Enter your iqama number as well as date of birth here.

7:Update your personal information here

Update information as needed in the following columns.Click next.Then add additional personal documents.

8:Click to add your work experiences

Now need to start uploading work experiences.


9:Upload work identification letter(Currently working document)

You need to get following things currently working certificate from the employer.Attach it,later click add.You need to fill as following.

10.Upload Final degree certificate and dataflow documents

Next step is you need to upload your Certificate of registration of professional licensing.


In next column attach your final degree certificate,and enter your country,issuing authority, speciality and date of issue.

Enter data flow reference number,then attach data flow verification report of your document(final degree certificate).Click on next then move to next step.

Choose go to application details. 



11.Application Summary:

Here we can review all the data be entered before.

Click Go to pay & submit,to move to next step.

12:Next is payment window for saudi council card renewal

It will show the amount need to pay.160 riyals need to pay for renewal.There will be 2 options for payment

You can pay using visa or master card or via SADAD.

If you choose SADAD gateway, a SADAD number issued for the amount.

If you don’t know How to pay SADAD online-please see the post:[How to make SADAD payment For Saudi council card renewal]

If you want to know fees for renewal:>>Click to see re registration fees<<

13:Wait for Application final status:

After Submitting the application to SCFHS, wait for few days.Later it will show status of your application like Approved,rejected,expired or closed.


Sometimes SCFHS will ask for more documents,by sending a missing card.At that time you need to attach the document and wait for review.

Once get approved you will be able to download your new Saudi council registration certificate through my certificates option.

Now you successfully renewed for your saudi council card for nurses.

Source:[Mumaris plus/SCFHS]