How To Register The Tawakklana Without Absher 2023(Visitors Also)

The process of registering for Tawakkalna without Absher is straightforward and requires only a few simple steps.
By following these steps, users can gain access to a range of valuable services provided by the app, including health status updates, booking appointments, and accessing various governmental services.
Tawakkalna has become an essential tool in Saudi Arabia, helping to keep the population safe and informed during these uncertain times.
Here are the steps to follow in order to register for Tawakkalna without an Absher account:

2.Click sign up button.

3.Selective visitor or Gulf.

Tawakkalna registration without Absher



4.Enter the following personal information:
Passport number,Nationality,Phone number,Date of birth.


5.Later check the the terms of use and privacy policy.
6.You’ll receive a verification code through SMS into your mobile phone.
7.Enter the code.
8.Create a password.
9.Select your residence location.
10.Answer the health related questions.
Now you have successfully registered Tawakklana application.